If you failed to secure an insurance plan during the 2020 open enrollment period, you’re in luck. Two western states have restarted their open enrollment to help consumers find insurance plans to carry them through 2021.
Sacramento residents and business owners were especially happy to hear that open enrollment began again on 2/15. This essentially means individuals can sign up for health insurance plans through 5/15. This period normally ends in December, however, due to the pandemic, health insurance companies decided to reopen the enrollment time.
Individual Health Plans
The extension to open enrollment is available to individual health plans. This means if you do not have health insurance through your employer, you’ll need to sign up for an individual plan.
Group Health Insurance
The extension to open enrollment is available for group plans as well. This means business owners are able to sign up for a health insurance plan for their company and provide a policy for their employees.
In addition to California, the state of Oregon has also extended its open enrollment. Health insurance agents in Bend and Portland, Oregon have been given all new plans to offer their customers, including high deductible plans coupled with a health savings account. With the extension, customers in Oregon will have plenty of time to find the right insurance for them.
Individual Health Plans
Just like California, health insurance enrollment is extended for individual health plans. Anyone in Oregon who needs to purchase personal health insurance is now able to do so through 5/15.
Group Health Insurance
Also like California, Oregon has reopened enrollment for companies to find new group health insurance plans. Check with your local agent to find the best rates and understand how your business is affected by the extension.
Do You Need Health Insurance?
As the world rebounds from 2020, some people are putting extra emphasis on obtaining health insurance. The extension allows people to know find the insurance they need. However, it’s important for you to assess your health insurance needs and decide if you absolutely need insurance right now. Based on your financial situation and employment situation, you may be willing to forego an insurance policy.
Start With Your Insurance Broker
If you have questions about extended health insurance plans for California or Oregon, the best place is to start by reaching out to your insurance agent. They will know more about the extension and if all carriers are taking part in the extension. Your health insurance agent should also help you find the best rates, compare different premiums and advise on anything else you should know about insurance in the coming year.
If you don’t already have an insurance broker, be sure to check out these tips here: https://thepointnews.com/how-to-select-an-insurance-broker/